Participants are welcome to submit abstracts for poster or oral presentations
The deadline for submission of abstracts is October 15th, 2021
Abstracts will be accepted for review by the Scientific Committee only if the following guidelines will be respected:
Abstract Title: Center justified, capitals, Arial 12 bold, space 1.5.
Author Details: Arial 11, Center justified, full name and surname followed by a comma after each author. If only two authors, separate by “and” without a comma. The presenting author does not have to be necessarily the first author of the abstract. Underline the presenting author.
Authors Affiliation: Arial 10 Italics, Center justified, italics, the address should only include department (if applicable), institution, city, and country.
Text: Arial 10, text alignment justified, 1.5 line space, subheadings in bold (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions).
Abstracts must not exceed 1 page (A4)
Please do not include any figure or table.
Your abstract will not be edited; you are responsible for any spelling, grammatical, and typographical errors.
Poster format
In lieu of the traditional poster session, posters will be displayed on-line and presenters will be given a 3 min flash presentation slot.
If you have any queries regarding abstracts submission, please contact